Gray Golf Outing Prizes, Tournament Gifts, Microfiber Towel Gray Golf Outing Prizes, Tournament Gifts, Microfiber Towel

Sterling Silver 48

Silver 48 Pack

Gray Golf Outing Prizes

Are you looking for gray golf outing prizes? Sterling Silver Greens Towels are the perfect golf outing prize idea. Your participants will appreciate a new Microfiber Golf Towel and the tournament committee will love the value. Many Corporations, Athletic Teams, Charities and Tournament Sponsors need a unique gray golf gift to add to their goody bags.

Microfiber Greens Towels are Relevant Golf Tournament Gifts

Golf Balls go in the pond, and coffee mugs go to the Goodwill, but Greens Towels go right on the golf bag. Plush, super-absorbent, and conveniently sized (16″ x 16″) to meet every tournament golfers’ needs. Every microfiber golf towel has an easy-to-use carabiner clip, so players will put them on their bag and remember your event every time they play. Usable gifts are the better investment.

Priced to Stay Under Budget

Greens Towels are prize favorites for corporate golf tournaments and charity golf fundraisers. Priced under $10.00, making them the #1 most popular golf outing gift towel.  Click for Custom Logo Golf Towels 

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Price: $384.00$335.52